
Recycle your Christmas cards

January 17, 2007 at 5:50 am

The decorations have been taken down, the fridge is empty at last, you’ve exchanged your unwanted presents and hopefully taken all those empty bottles to the bottle bank. But what do you do with all those Christmas cards? Surely all that pretty, but short lived paper and card doesn’t have to completely go to waste.

With over 1 billion cards sent, read and enjoyed over the festive period in the UK it is important that once taken off the walls and mantlepeice they are not just thrown away with the household rubbish. Schemes like the Woodland Trust’s have been set up so that all this excess paper and card can be put to good use. You can take your Christmas cards to any mainland WHSmith store, TESCO supermarket (including selected Express stores) and TK Maxx stores, pop them in the bins provided and the cards will then be collected and taken paper mills where they are recycled into new paper products. The scheme runs from 2nd to 31st January

This is easy enough for individuals to do whilst out doing the shopping and if you would like to drop off cards from a school or a business, just call the store before to ensure that they can manage a bulk delivery.

So start 2007 as you mean to go on, recycle those unwanted Christmas cards and continue your recycling resolution throughout the year

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