
- Up to 80% of a vehicle can be recycled, see below for where to take your vehicle for recycling.
- Try and fix your vehicle instead of throwing it away.
- Sell unwanted vehicles.
- Report abandoned vehicles to your local council for removal.
- Engine oil can be recycled at civic amenity sites.
- Contact your local council for further advice on recycling vehicles and their components.
There are hundreds of approved vehicle dismantlers, recyclers and salvage sites across the UK. Find your nearest site here.
Visit The Motor Vehicle Dismantlers Association website for a full list of members, all of whom are properly licensed by the Environment Agency and can treat End of Life Vehicles in accordance with all current legislation, including issuing the DVLA required Certificate of Destruction.
Read about the new EU legislation which has recently come into force and aims to improve the recycling process for old vehicles.
Metro Salvage offers a free environmentally friendly car recycling service. They simply pickup your vehicle within 3 days and dismantle it in a safe and friendly manor. If you would like to have your car recycled, then please fill out the form.
Local Vehicle Disposal is a way to dispose of your vehicle in a responsible and legal way. In most areas you will get a choice of professionals that will dismantle and recycle the many parts of your vehicle reducing the need to manufacture new.
Driving Schools is an online motoring resource that helps you find spare parts dealers, second hand cars, panel beaters and more.