
Real Nappy Week 2010 starts

April 28, 2010 at 9:38 am

With over 600,000 tonnes of disposable nappies being sent to landfill each year, the organisers of this year’s Real Nappy Week, launched on April 26th, are hoping that the message will get through that the reusable nappy is the way forward.

The last available figures from research carried out by Mintel in 2008 showed that only 9% of families used or had ever used reusable nappies. But the organisers say that there is plenty of anecdotal evidence of the green alternative becoming more popular. With an increasing number of High Street names, such as Boots, Waitrose and Mothercare, stocking alternatives to the disposable nappy it is easier than ever before for parents to switch, saving themselves money as well as being good for the environment.

The 14th Real Nappy Week aims to bring together those who already use reusable nappies and those who would like to, at real events and online. For the second year running the event has received no funding from the Waste and Resource Action Programme, being funded instead by its two hundred members who include councils, retailers and manufacturers.

Amongst the events being held around the country are Devon’s competition for the “fastest real nappy changer in the West”, Warwickshire’s Nappucino coffee mornings where advice on reusable nappies is available in addition to a discount on nappies, Southwark’s "give and take" event where parents can swap unwanted toys and children’s clothes, and Hackney’s Real Nappy party.

For more information on the campaign see the Go Real website.

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One response to “Real Nappy Week 2010 starts”

  1. Loissi says:

    We should try to be more eco-friendly. Mother earth is suffering a great deal from the pollution created by us.

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