
Councils aim to improve waste and recycling collections

January 27, 2011 at 12:49 pm

Over 100 councils have signed up to the Waste Collection Commitment in order to improve residents’ satisfaction with how waste and recycling is collected throughout the UK.

The Waste Collection Commitment aims to help local authorities provide better waste and recycling services. It was launched by Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) and the Local Government Association (LGA). Both organisations were asked to look at ways to develop recycling from a householder’s perspective.

According to WRAP, research into the Commitment was carried out in 2008 via a telephone survey of over 2000 householders, who were chosen to reflect the characteristic profile of England. Key findings from the research were developed with local authority involvement into several principles, that ultimately defined a good collection service.

WRAP explained that by signing up, councils would provide a better level of service and improve communication with their workers, so that residents would be clear about the level of service they would receive.

Wyre Borough Council recently became the 100th local authority to sign up to the Commitment. Commenting, Phillip Ward, director of local government services at WRAP, said that “reaching this milestone” was proof that local authorities were “dedicated to improving customer experience when it came to waste and recycling.”

He said that the research had also shown that “more than 80% of people were satisfied with their waste and recycling collection”. He added that they were encouraging more local authorities to review their service against “the principles of the Commitment” and to follow the lead of the other signatories.

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One response to “Councils aim to improve waste and recycling collections”

  1. j storey says:

    Why when the council give u a house in a state i.e gardens do they not give us any help getting rid of bricks and soil e.t.c