
New MRF search tool revealed by WRAP

March 13, 2009 at 2:58 pm

WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme) has launched a new online database of MRFs (Material Recovery Facilities). The not-for-profit company hopes the database will lead to much improved communication all the way along the recycling supply chain, which will in turn lead to a greater quality of recycled products over time.

The new database has been based on the ORIS (Online Recycling Information System) from WRAP. This provides information on recycling services for household waste, and has proved to be such a success that demand for the MRF database had been growing. Now it is up and running, it will help local authorities and others in the recycling industry to locate the MRFs with very little effort, and it is hoped that this will greatly improve the system as a whole.

The information will be free for anyone involved in the process of recycling dry waste. It works by displaying interactive maps, and it also includes a search function for the companies to locate the MRFs with ease. Information that is then provided on the MRFs includes the material streams that they accept and what capacities and outputs they are capable of.

It is hoped that the MRF database will improve the system by helping to coordinate different sections of the recycling process, ultimately helping to improve the quality of the materials that end up at MRFs.

WRAP’s materials recycling programme manager, Mike Falconer Hall, said that improving communication is “an essential part of WRAP’s drive to support the industry”.

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