

  • Metal is usually separated into 2 groups: aluminium and steel.
  • You can test which metal your waste is by using a magnet. Aluminium metal is non-magnetic whereas steel is magnetic.
  • There may be a symbol, such as an alu mark, on the product to indicate what metal it is made from.
  • Drink cans are usually made from aluminium and food cans are usually made from steel.
  • Most home recycling bins, provided by your local council, usually accept metal.
  • Deposit used cans at your local recycling bank.
  • Make sure drink and food cans are clean before recycling.
  • Aerosol containers can be recycled, but only when they are completely empty.
  • Metallic plastic film, such as chocolate wrappers, cannot be recycled.
  • Find out if there is a ‘cash for cans’ scheme operating near you.